Creating an Administrator account on your WordPress website

We may ask that you create an Administrator account for us on your website so that we can access your site without you having to share your personal login details. You’ll need to have an Administrator account yourself in order to give us access.

  1. Log in to the back-end of your website using your personal administrator login details
  2. From the left hand menu, hover over Users and select Add New
  3. Enter a Username (without spaces and not anything like “Admin”, for security reasons) – select something that you’ll recognize or use MatterStormDesign
  4. In the Email field, enter the email address
  5. Make sure that the “Send User Notification” checkbox is selected – this will send us an email letting us know that an account has been made for us and a secure link for us to set a new password
  6. You can leave the password field with the automatically generated password as it is – you shouldn’t need to remember the password as Step 5 will send us a unique link for us to set up a new password
  7. Change the Role to Administrator – we won’t be able to do everything we need with a roll lower than Administrator
  8. Lastly, click the Add New User button – we’ll confirm once we’ve received the email and have access
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